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Advertising Options

Ad your business on and get more traffic to your web site or store. Remember The Consumer has a high volume of traffic passing through on a daily basis. We offer great advertising plans starting as low as $1 per month.

Purchase a Plan And Get Listed

Option 1: $25 per year

  1. business name
  2. type of business
  3. phone number
  4. address
  5. Description of your products and services
  6. link to your web site

View a Free listing sample

Option 2: $35 per year

  1. business name
  2. type of business
  3. phone number
  4. address
  5. Description of your products and services
  6. link to your web site
  7. 1 photo gallery with up to 6 images
  8. 1 image (company logo)

View a live Pro listing

Option 3: $36 per year

  1. business name
  2. type of business
  3. phone number
  4. address
  5. description of your products and services
  6. link to your web site
  7. 1 photo gallery with up to 8 images
  8. 1 image (company logo)
  9. Google map with directions to your business
  10. link to your face book page

View a live Pro listing

 Option 4: $48 per year

  1. business name
  2. type of business
  3. phone number
  4. address
  5. description of your products and services
  6. link to your web site
  7. 1 photo gallery with up to 15 images
  8. 1 image (company logo)
  9. Google map with directions to your business
  10. link to your face book page
  11. link to your twitter page
  12. link to another social networking site / or web site
  13. link to another social networking site / or web site
  14. link to another social networking site / or web site
  15. We will optimize your business listing for the search engines

View a live Pro listing

Purchase a Plan And Get Listed

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