I highly recommend – Ooh La La Doggie Spa

Full Service Dog Grooming in Riverside California

My wife and I took our dog Georgie to Ooh La La Doggie Spa located at 522 E Arlington Ave. Riverside, California 92504 at the Heritage Shopping Center. I was surprised with the great service they provided; when I took Georgie inside he was very calm and took to the groomer nicely. I was also surprised at how nice the inside of this place looked, it was very clean and organized. I was also surprised at how fast they had finished with Georgie I was expecting it to take a few hours but it only took about an hour, so when they called me I was not ready, because I was still running my errands, so I asked if it would be ok if I picked him up in about an hour, and they where very nice about it and said no problem. When I finally picked Georgie up I was happy with his appearance as they had tied a bandanna around his neck and also gave him a squeaky toy ball which I did not know they did all of that I thought it was just a bath, so if you live in the Riverside California area and would like to get your dog clean as well as good treatment I highly recommend Ooh La La Doggie Spa.

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