Consumer Mike’s customer review on Netflix
I think Netflix is a great service that everyone should have. I have had a Netflix account since August 2009, and have no problems with Netflix so far. I have had two DVD’s reported as missing, but I guess that’s just something that happens with the mail service. The first time I reported a lost DVD to Netflix I was a bit nervous, because I was not sure if they where going to charge me for a missing DVD or what to expect, but I logged into my Netflix account and reported the DVD as missing DVD in the mail, and to my surprise they just sent me out a new DVD. There was no long discussion with a customer service rep or no hassle. I think the Netflix system is a good one, I get a new DVD every other day or so depending on how fast I send the one I have on hand back, of course. I have recommended Netflix to my family and friends, and I have had such a good experience with this great company that I decided to share my experience by writing this article. If you are considering signing up for a Netflix account I would highly recommend it. Another great service I should also mention is their video on demand service, that allows you to stream movies that you can watch on your computer, or T.V. if you have a device that makes this possible like the apple tv, play station 3 or x box there are lots of other devices available to do this with and you can get the list off of the Netflix website.
In a nut shell I would recommend this service, and I give Netflix two thumbs up.
If you have a Netflix account I would love to hear your experience.
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